About Consultations

Essences are used to treat the whole person rather than individual physical conditions and are finding an increasing place in helping people achieve an improved and more positive sense of wellbeing in an increasingly stressful and troubled world. If you are choosing essence for yourself, it is best to use a combination of logical analysis and one’s own gut feeling. Some essences will just ‘talk to you’ or you may feel an affinity with others by viewing their photograph, or reading about their qualities. Even so it can be difficult to decide exactly which one/ones to select, especially if you have several issues to address. In this case you may like to book a personal consultation. As well as producing my own essences, I have practised essence therapy for over fifty years with adults, children, animals and the environment. 

 I was Chair of the BFVEA (British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) from 2006-14 and, since 2012 have Co-Chaired the lead body for essence therapy (the Confederation of Registered Essence Practitioners, or COREP) with Stefan Ball of the Bach Centre. As well as producing my own essences, I have practised essence therapy for over fifty years with adults, children, animals and the environment.  I was Chair of the BFVEA (British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) from 2006-14 and, since 2012 have Co-Chaired the lead body for essence therapy (the Confederation of Registered Essence Practitioners, or COREP) with Stefan Ball of the Bach Centre.

People living in or near Torquay are welcome to make a face-to face appointment at my home. Please email me at:  [email protected].

For others I offer a distance consultation. For this I first ask clients to tell me in writing and email/post me (up to three pages) what they feel their problems are and why they need help. We then arrange a telephone call of up to 60 minutes to get to know each other better and to talk the issues through together. After that I will choose a selection of appropriate essences and send the details through for your approval. If the treatment resonates with you it will be sent by first class post. 

Please note that the treatment bottle for adults, children and small animals is usually 10mls and will last for approximately two weeks. A bigger bottle is provided for large animals such as a horse. After two weeks we will arrange a further telephone call to discuss progress. Any personal details received during a consultation will be protected according to current data protection rulings.  


  • First Consultation: £40 
  • Follow-up consultations: £30 
  • Series of three treatments (useful for long-standing or complex issues): £75 

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